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All About Ottillee Bottomly

"Hadn't algebra and lacrosse and Latin and semolina pudding already been banned in English schools? And if they hadn't, it was about time they were."



Brimstones High School for Young Ladies is the oldest learning establishment in the British Islands. It should really be called Brimstones High School for Young Bullies, but that's enough about Summer Penrose and the twins. The rest of the girls in my class are nice enough, so I'm not settling in too badly here. At least I can find my way around the place now, and have made my peace with the school uniform. But the best thing about being at secondary school is that I don't get treated like a kid anymore. The teachers don't tell me off every time they see me like they did at junior school. (Mr Bruce, I'm talking about you.) And the dinner ladies don't force disgusting food down me either. (Which is good because the food's horrible here.)


Not that I'm 100% in charge of my own life yet, of course. I've still got to do lessons I'm not keen on (maths and chemistry) and I've still got to do games I'm no good at (all of them). But I've got a little taste of what it's going to be like when I'm a teenager. And I like it!!!

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