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The Strange Legacy of Ottillee Bottomly

Part One of The Dragondah Mysteries


When Ottillee Bottomly was forced to move from London to the back of beyond she was beside herself. Why had Cowenna Crow left her Dragondah Hall in Cornwall? And what the heck was an 11-year-old girl going to do so far away from everyone and everything she knew? But it wasn’t long before Ottillee was up to her pigtails in a rip-roaring Cornish adventure involving a creepy cave, a terrifying tunnel and a long-forgotten castle. Her unlikely companions were a bat, a fox and a local boy with no last name. Yet, as Ottillee soon discovers, her strange legacy is just the first Dragondah Mystery she has to solve...


The Miseducation of Ottillee Bottomly

Part Two of The Dragondah Mysteries


Eleven-year-old Ottillee Bottomly has already discovered her new life in Cornwall isn’t as boring as she’d expected. Talk about thrills, spills and chills around every corner! But now the action has moved from Dragondah on the Cornish coast to Brimstones on the Cornish moors. And if you think Ottillee’s new boarding school means dull teachers and dreary lessons, then you can think again. Life at Brimstones is all swirling mists and shimmering lakes, ancient stones and buried secrets. Oh, yes, and then there are the bullies and the beasts – and this time, we’re not just talking about the usual suspects, Lucifer and Dagger... 

The Brilliance of Ottillee Bottomly

Part Three of The Dragondah Mysteries


It’s the festive season and Dragondah is a veritable winter wonderland. The snow is thick, the gifts are wrapped, and the castle is back in Penhaligon hands. So why isn’t Ottillee jumping for joy? Is it because something important is proving impossible to find? Because someone she loves is struggling with their health? Because her sworn enemy is still lurking about in the background? Or is it because Finn has rejected her and the Penhaligons too? Thankfully, Ottillee has plenty of people helping her through these challenging times, including school friends old and new. And, of course, sudden flashes of inspiration always help! 

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